Shop online: componenti per ringhiere in acciaio, piantane, kit porte scorrevoli made in Italy
Handrail supports Ø 35 mm
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing satined K320.
29,00 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI316 stainless steel finishing polished.
33,00 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted bronze.
35,00 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted black.
34,00 €
Mid-section saddle support handrail bracket.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing satined K320.
22,00 €
Mid-section saddle support handrail bracket.
AISI316 stainless steel finishing polished.
26,00 €
Mid-section saddle support handrail bracket.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted bronze.
28,00 €
Mid-section saddle support handrail bracket.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted black.
27,00 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm handrail to mount on drywalls.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing satined K320.
28,00 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm handrail to mount on drywalls.
AISI316 stainless steel finishing polished.
32,00 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm handrail to mount on drywalls.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted bronze.
33,50 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm handrail to mount on drywalls.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted black.
32,50 €
Mid-section support for Ø 35 mm on the wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing satined K320.
28,50 €
Mid-section support for Ø 35 mm on the wall handrail.
AISI316 stainless steel finishing polished.
32,50 €
Mid-section support for Ø 35 mm on the wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted bronze.
34,00 €
Mid-section support for Ø 35 mm on the wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted black.
33,00 €
Saddle support glass-mounted for Ø 35 mm handrail.
AISI304 stainelss steel finishing satined K320.
30,00 €
Saddle support glass-mounted for Ø 35 mm handrail.
AISI316 stainelss steel finishing polished.
35,00 €
Saddle support glass-mounted for Ø 35 mm handrail.
AISI304 stainelss steel finishing painted bronze.
37,50 €
Saddle support (articulated) glass-mounted for Ø 35 mm handrail.
AISI304 stainelss steel finishing painted black.
36,00 €
Saddle support for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing satined K320.
29,50 €
Saddle support (articulated) for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI316 stainless steel finishing polished.
34,00 €
Saddle support (articulated) for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted bronze.
35,50 €
Saddle support (articulated) for Ø 35 mm wall handrail.
AISI304 stainless steel finishing painted black.
34,50 €